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About Carla

For the past three decades, I’ve immersed myself in exploring what it means to be a thriving human. As someone who loves both science and spirituality, I have a passion for understanding the mind, body and spirit from all perspectives. 


My offerings are based on my trainings and certifications with some incredible teachers, healers and shamans, including Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification with Layla Martin and the VITA™ Coaching Method, PSYCH-K® Faciliator created by Rob Williams, the Sexual Awakening for Women Facilitator Training with Shakti Malan, Shamanic Tantrika Arts and Earth Priestess Training and Wombset Training with Anna Maria Magdelena, Breath of Bliss with Christabel Zamor, Orgasmic Meditation with OneTaste, and numerous personal mentorships.


With a background and graduate degree in the biological sciences, a 4 year practitioner diploma in Homeopathy and Heilkunst, and 25+ years as an embodied yoga teacher, I have a profound appreciation for the mind-breath-body connection and how we can harness the gift of our sexuality as a source of healing and personal evolution.


I am a Creatrix.

A Creatrix is defined in the dictionary as a female who produces, creates, and brings forth.


It is a word that has been used since at least the 1600s. To go deeper into the feeling of a Creatrix, you would find a woman who is deeply connected to her feminine source, her generative power, her capacity to create – desires, ideas, and life of all kinds. She connects to both her shadow and her light. She helps midwife the awakening, embodiment, and transformation of all beings.


For me, Creatrix expresses the fullness of who I am and what to do. I am “She that creates” – in manifest forms.


A word that feels at once enchanting, mystical, powerful, slightly mischievous, and with a tiny whisper of darkness. Perfect.


In my work, I encourage my clients to find their own inner Creatrix - that part that is waiting to reconnect with her innate confidence and power, so she can thrive fully in her life.

From the Mouths of Babes

More kind words from some of my lovely clients. 

My life experiences of being shredded apart by multiple women's spiteful words, hurtful actions and manipulative ways lead me to believe that all women were cruel, sneaky, and unsafe. However, working with Carla showed me how to start my healing journey toward that life experience and myself as a woman. Carla has an amazing and magical way of creating a safe and sacred place for you to do your hard heart work.  She patiently lets you go at your own pace in looking at your shadow self with only light, love and lots of compassion. I have never felt safe enough to let my guard down with a woman. However, not only did I truly feel safe with this divine light being named Carla Wainwright, but I learned to slowly at my own pace let my guard down one woman at a time. Carla, I offer you this old ancient word which rolls off my indigenous tongue to you and raise my arms up in thanks. “NENACHIDYA” (You have done me great honour) Carla.

~ Jolene Prince, Nak’azdli Whut’en

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I am more embodied than I have ever been.


I work in service of women and couples over 40  wanting to heal, transform and awaken.  I assist others to feel more ease, grace, nourishment, turn-on, and celebration.


I know deep in my bones that I am always learning and evolving as is everyone who I meet on my path. I am grateful to be guided by Source on this journey and have so much appreciation and reverence for YOU: You who are curious, searching, and ready to open into the mysteries of love and life.


Thank you for being here. Welcome.

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